Amazon secretive about number of workforce Covid-19 cases

This revelation follows months during which the management evaded, ignored and refused to meet demands by rank-and-file workers for the release of this information. In a statement on April 23, the World Socialist Web Site’s International Amazon Workers Voice urged workers to form rank-and-file committees to demand the release of infection statistics at Amazon as a question of basic safety, pointing out that the company “systematically refuses to provide information to workers as to the number of cases” of workers who have gotten sick. In the intervening months, workers…

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Trump Nominates Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Fill RBG’s Seat

September 28, 2020 President Trump announced that he will nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barrett is a staunch conservative with opposite views of Justice Ginsburg’s. Judge Barrett is a member of the religious group People of Praise, which “preaches women’s subordination to men and until recently called female advisers to other women ‘handmaids.’” The group is known for its belief that women should submit to their husbands.  In her confirmation hearing in 2017 to the Seventh…

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