How HCQ was Scuppered

When <Vladmir Zelenko*> informed Donald Trump of his phenomenal results using Hydroxychloroquine (along with Azithromycin and zinc) to treat early symptoms Covid-19, the stage was set for a dramatic intervention which could and should have altered the course of the pandemic. That this path was averted was down to interventions in the White House – and the rest is politics.

(*Sadly Dr Zelenko is no longer with us. An obituary is here)

Many of those and subsequent events are detailed elsewhere on the site. However it would be remiss not to mention some incisive, sometimes blow-by-blow accounts of these events by well-qualified people who were also well placed at the time.

Dr Stephen Hatfill had, in his words, a front seat in the White House and gave a very detailed account of what happened behind the scenes.

His main story is told in three parts:

How a Single Point Failure Destroyed the National Pandemic Plan

Single Point Failure II: The Role of Dr. Anthony Fauci in the Destruction of the National Pandemic Plan

Single Point Failure III: Disinformation & Transparent Conflicts Contribute To The Deaths Of Over 500,000 Innocent Americans

<Dr Meryl Nass>, when she was not treating covid patients, also provided an ongoing insider view and expert, biting commentary on the ongoing HCQ trial shenanigans.
How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and much more

WHO and UK trials used potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine dose — according to WHO consultant

Even worse than ‘Recovery,’ potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine study in patients near death

Expert statistician Mathew Crawford also told his view of the story as it was unfolding in a long series of blogs titled ‘the Hydroxychloroquine Wars’ (with a Roman numerical attached to the title which in time extended almost the width of the page). There has been some morphage into the Vaccine Wars, also with attendant Roman numerals. These are all to be found on his highly-regarded substack blog, for example:

Manufactured Fear During Hydroxychloroquine’s Trump Moment, The Chloroquine Wars Part XII

The shorter the Roman numeral, the more likely the article is to be about Hydroxychloroquine, and to be in the early stages of ‘the Hydroxychlroquine Wars’.

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