Threats+Suspension of Drs

Threats and Suspensions of doctors This page features attacks by the authorities on individual doctors over their use of early treatment, especially hydroxychloroquine.It is an ever-expanding list. For collective resistance, see Doctors Resistance groups Dr Peter McCullough is one of the best known – and best credentialed – critics of the US Covid-19 response, including the refusal to use antivirals like hydroxychloroquine at the early stage of infection, which he aptly terms ‘therapeutic nihilism’. A top cardiologist, he has significantly raised awareness of the risk of myocarditis from the Covid-19…

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How HCQ was Scuppered

When <Vladmir Zelenko*> informed Donald Trump of his phenomenal results using Hydroxychloroquine (along with Azithromycin and zinc) to treat early symptoms Covid-19, the stage was set for a dramatic intervention which could and should have altered the course of the pandemic. That this path was averted was down to interventions in the White House – and the rest is politics. (*Sadly Dr Zelenko is no longer with us. An obituary is here) Many of those and subsequent events are detailed elsewhere on the site. However it would be remiss not…

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Censoring All HCQ Dissent

(THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Who is Being Censored?Anyone questioning the narrative that there was no early treatment for Covid-19 experienced censorship. Especially doctors. As detailed elsewhere, dissenting doctors in many western countries face threats and suspensions from their employers, medical boards or other authorities – often just for treating patients for Covid-19 with safe drugs. They also got flak. The resulting climate of fear and outrage has led to the formation of doctors resistance groups in Europe, the US, Canada and Australia. Apart from this open conflict, doctors also…

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