Dr Brian Tyson

Brian Tyson is a board certified family physician in El Centro, California. California physician Brian Tyson successfully treated thousands of patients with hydroxychloroquine in his clinic. In the studio of One America News , he said he has now cured nearly 5,000 patients. Two patients died and six had to go to hospital. The doctor also warned that an experimental vaccine puts people at risk unnecessarily. When asked how this personal HCQ involvement began for him, Dr Tyson tells a tragic story of how his daughter’s music manager went to…

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Country-level comparisons

In the early part of the pandemic, many people charted the emerging picture of high Covid-19 death rates in developed countries with a large pharmaceutical industry presence (whose governments generally opposed HCQ) and low rates in poorer countries (that already used HCQ or were quick to adopt it). This resulted in a number of comparative analyses. Summary (i) An analysis by the group Americas Frontline Doctors by country, showed that access to HCQ was strongly linked to lower Covid-19 mortality. (ii) A worldwide country comparison generated automatically by the website…

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Accinelli – completing the picture

As noted, 30+ other studies strongly indicate the merits of treating Covid-19 early with Hydroxychloroquine. One notable study not on the list provides quantification and important wider context. Accinelli et al, Hydroxychloroquine / azithromycin in COVID-19: The association between time to treatment and case fatality rate https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1477893921002040 Summary of importance The Accinelli study has relevance as yet another basic hydroxychloroquine Covid-19 early treatment study. So why is it not on the list? It’s because everyone in the study received HCQ. It has much wider relevance because it studied the effect…

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Some Main Studies

Virtually all of the 31/32 studies of early treatment using hydroxychlorquine had positive primary outcomes. In a sign test, if in reality HCQ had no benefit, the odds this happening is billions to one against. 14 of the outcomes were statistically significant. Here are some of those studies, borrowing from the useful descriptions of c19study.com: Sulaiman et al. “This observational prospective cohort study took place in 238 ambulatory fever clinics in Saudi Arabia, which followed the Ministry of Health (MOH) COVID-19 treatment guideline. This guideline included multiple treatment options for…

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31 Positive Studies

Probably no drug has ever attracted such intense controversy as hydroxychloroquine in the Covid-19 era. Yet the evidence for its efficacy in treating Covid-19 at the early stage is straightforward. Virtually 100% of early treatment studies have recorded benefit from the drug. Accordingly, the controversy over early HCQ treatment has not arisen because of any insufficiency in the evidence. As the existence of this evidence is our first Stubborn Truth it’s worth a look to see what it consists of.Below is a list of all the studies that examined the…

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